Tuesday 16 December 2014

Revved up Nairobi

I have to work, (homeopathy), in Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ian is on winter break, (well there is no winter here so technically maybe its not winter break), from school for 2 months so we're traveling East & Central Africa together.  On the way to Congo from Tanzania we have to pass through 3 other countries so we've decided to travel the continent by bus stopping along the way to check out Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda before finally spending a month in DRC.   We wake early on a Tues morning and hop on the 6am bus headed for Nairobi.  I've already called my friend Didi and alerted her we're coming to crash at her place for a few days.
Karibu!" (Welcome!), Didi tells us and we're headed off to Nairobi.

This is Ian's first trip by bus and border crossing by road is a bit different than by air. The bus pulls over and the conductor tells us we're at the border. We get off, head into the immigration office, essentially check out of Tanzania and Ian's looking around for the bus. I say to him, we have to walk across no man's land and into Kenya... Ian "What??!! We're walking to Kenya?!! African's have it tough they gotta walk border to border".. lol.. its only like a 2 minute walk to the other side.

We go through immigration on the Kenya side buy our 3 country visa (Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda), do the temp scan for Ebola, grab some local currency from the money changers hanging around the border and hop back on the bus.

Ian's and my taste are very different country wise, I want toned down and he wants revved up.. 2 travel companions, mother and son and yet we see things so different.

I've been to Nairobi before so it doesn't hold the same wonder for me but Ian is looking around as if its his first trip to NYC, "wow Mom, look the mall,  KFC!!Subway, we can get a sandwich!!" I'm starting to wonder if people around us are wondering if I'm depriving him of food.. and forget it when we get to Didi's and he realizes she has wifi, he doesn't want to continue on with this journey, he's in teen heaven right here.
KFC Nairobi

KFC Nairobi
We meet up with my friend Chris and he tells Ian about the financial advance that is Nairobi, and believe me, Nairobi is on the move, people there walk with purpose, they are going places.  Ian keeps asking, "mom, why don't you move to Nairobi?  I like it here!"  I pretend I don't hear him, Nairobi's too revved up for me.
We hang out at the mall, eat at KFC, (which is high end fast food here, so pretty pricey), and wonder around Nairobi for a couple of days, traveling like locals on the back of motorcycles.  Ian is now convinced that he's buying a motorcycle once he gets back to the USA.
traveling local in his new cap and sneakers

Ian and I walk to the second hand market and just like a local he buys a pair of sneakers and a baseball cap from a guy on the street.. remember those shoes I've been collecting over the past 2 summers?  Well Ian is participating by buying from the local second hand sellers here.
Ian buying a pair of sneakers and baseball cap from the guy on the streets

We head out for Uganda on the night bus, Ian LOVES Nairobi and wants to stay longer, I promise a few more days on the way back.
He loves it for the same reason I'm not a fan... its extremely revved up!!

Bye Nairobi and hello Uganda!


  1. Your great grandfather "Papa" said, "what you will learn on the streets of a foreign country, you will never learn in the best universities ". Use this time to soak it all in, enjoy the sites and learn from the natives. Keep moving and shaking.. lol.. keep safe. Love you both. Wish to come visit sometime in the future.

    1. I also remember Mamie saying "travel the world and know its people" I guess I've taken this to heart.
      Please come and visit us, but when you come, bring rum cake, we miss having a little bit of home here.

    2. Will do with one grip full ah rum cake... dwl

    3. Travel is the best education for children, in my opinion. Enjoy it and eat some maharage and chapati for your distant vegan cousins. ;)

    4. Raggamuslims, maharage and chapati are on the menu.
      So cool to read your blog, had thoughts of you guys just a few days ago and here you are.. sending much love your way.
